Collection: Terry Preen

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14 products
  • By the Footbridge, Stamford Meadows, by Terry Preen
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  • Stamford Bridge, St.Martins, by Terry Preen
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  • By the Welland, Stamford Meadows, by Terry Preen
    6.5 x 10 inch watercolour of the River Welland by a footbridge on Stamford Meadows, with stone buildings on the right, mature trees above the bridge, many figures milling about and lots of ducks on the gras and in the water.
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  • Afternoon Glare, Whitby, by Terry Preen
    9.5 x 13.5 inch watercolour, looking into the sunlight, with a bridge over the river on the left, building on the right, with several people walking on the pavement beneath.
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  • After the Rain, near Harringworth, by Terry Preen
    9.75 x 13.75 inch watercolour of a country lane, with puddles, distant trees and fields and large trees in the middle distance and to the right.
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  • Afternoon Stroll, Cromer
    10 x 13.75 inch watercolour of the promenade at Cromer, with many figures strolling along, the sea in the left distance, cliffs in the centre and buildings on the right.
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  • The Allotment in Winter, by Terry Preen
    9.75 x 13.75 inch watercolour of sheds and other paraphernalia on an allotment, with snow on the ground and three large trees centre and left in and beyond the hedgerow across the middle of the picture plane.
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  • Moored Near the Gongoozler's Rest, by Terry Preen
    6.5 x 10 inch watercolour of the canal at Braunston, with several narrowboats moored along the towpah which curves from the front left of the picture, curving around to the distant trees on the right.
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  • By the Canal Bridge, Braunston, by Terry Preen
    6.5 x 10 inch watercolour of a hump-back bridge over the canal at Braunstone, with a narrowboat moving off just beyond the bridge, and two figures on the towpath on the right.
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  • Mowing the Tracks, Lyndon, by Terry Preen
    Small watercolour of the allotmentss aat Lyndon, with a figure mowing the grass track in the centre, with battened plots left and right, with cottage roofs above a stone wall in the middle distance.
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  • Post Office Lane, Lyndon, by Terry Preen
    Medium sized watercolour of Post Office Lane in Lyndon, witha large oak tree dominating in the centre of the picture, with various cottages left and right, a curling stone wall dilineating the lane, with two figures walking towards us.
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  • The Stepping Stones, Dovedale
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  • Brancaster Beach by Terry Preen
    A sunny day at Brancaster Beach by Terry Preen
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  • Morning Sunlight, Southwold by Terry Preen
    Oil painting by Terry Preen, looking straight into the sun, family looking out to sea with beach huts on the right of the picture
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Terry Preen was born in Birmingham, then moved to South London, finally moving to Stamford in 2014.  Inspired by the beautiful town and the surrounding villages, Terry is a familiar sight on the streets of Stamford (not begging!), painting in all weathers, in oils and watercolour.  He is self-taught with no formal training, like most of the really fine artists, and classes himself a ‘weekend painter’, but Terry is a very competent and knowledgeable artist indeed.  Terry retired from full time employment in 2012 and at last found the time to pursue the occupation that he loves and now paints pretty much full time, with occasional visits to the coast to paint, too.  He is a member of the 'Brass Monkeys', a plein air painting group that meets regularly to paint in and around London regardless of the weather and is an exhibiting member of the Welland Valley Art Society.  We are very pleased to have Terry in our stable, and the subjects of his paintings will be very recognisable to locals!

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